GVCP Home Page Focus — Graduating Class, 2020

Empowering Vulnerable and Pandemic Impacted Ugandan Children

Education is so essential for people to be able to take charge of their lives and to provide leadership so that their communities can be a better place for all. The Global Village Childrens Project provides tuition from primary school through college level.Scroll down to learn more

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Global Village Children’s Project

What We Do

GVCP is a grassroots charitable organization whose aim is to empower vulnerable Ugandan children, especially girls and orphaned children impacted by the African AIDS pandemic. We depend on your donations to be able to continue our work. Our approach is unique and holistic, keeping involved in the lives of these children from the moment they are enrolled in our programs until they achieve adult independence.

  • Education
  • Health Services
  • Nutrition
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Community Service

Watch The GVCP orphaned Children Video

We Depend On Your Kindness To Provide Our Services To Abandoned Children and AIDS and Pandemic Impacted orphaned Children

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Wanyange, Uganda, Global Village Childrens Project and Anne Muyanga and students on porch of school house

Global Village Childrens Project …


Located in Jinja District, the village of Wanyange is home to the Global Village Children’s Project (GVCP). Our project gives orphaned children a place to live in foster homes and in the GVCP residential facility.

We also provide transportation services to get them to school, the doctor, and other life-critical locations.

Thanks to donor generosity, this vehicle, which – frequently and expensively – we previously had to rent in order to provide our services and bring our crops to market, is now owned by the GVCP!

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School Taught Outdoors Image

Global Village Childrens Project …

Education Improves Lives

Improvements in education lead to increased family income, improved nutrition, and reduced mortality.

Global Village Children’s Project supports children in their educational needs from grade school to college by providing…

  • Tuition
  • Uniforms
  • Textbooks
  • Room & Board
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Wanyange, Uganda, students taking a break at the Global Village Children Project school with director Anne Muyanga in attendance

Global Village Childrens Project …


In Budondo (about 15 miles from our facility) on private land that is on long term loan to our organization, GVCP grows a variety of food crops. These crops include corn, bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, yams, beans, passion fruit and various vegetables. Many of the recdently orphaned children enrolled in our program assist in the planting, maintenance and harvesting of crops. This activity offers these young people vital life skills and pride in establishing self-sufficiency.

In the past, surplus crops have been distributed to elder Wanyange residents in need and have been shared at community gatherings like the one pictured to the right. Most recently, however, severe drought has curtailed farming efforts, necessitating purchase of food on the expensive open market.

Urgent medical visits are carried out as needed for the children in our care. However, as soon as funds permit, the GVCP intends to provide regularly scheduled doctor visits to treat malaria, offer AIDS screening, make dentistry available and assure routine vaccinations as standard elements of our program.

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